
A Stakeholder Management Platform for Underserved Communities

This excerpt is from a webinar, that was hosted by OurTownHall to introduce its Community Technology Fellowhip program to community organizations.


OurTownHall is collaborating with the San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission (BCDC) to improve communication between communities and governments by designing a community engagement platform that puts communities first. We believe that by leveraging technology, we can create a more inclusive, participatory, and equitable future for all.


OurTownHall is funded by a National Science Foundation Small Business Innovation Research grant

Team & Advisors


Marcus Griswold - Project Leader (Partnerships Lead), Calm Waters Group LLC

Sumeet Sandhu - Technology Lead, Climate Data Hub

Yousef Kazerooni - Design Lead, Climate Data Hub


National Wildlife Federation (NWF)

San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission (BCDC)

Miami-Dade County Office of Resilience (MDC)

Global Regeneration CoLab: Accelerate Our Regenerative Future (GRC)


Engagement Specialist - Ana Vargas, Calm Waters Group

Software Architecture - Tami Lee, Climate Data Hub

Computational Social Science - Dr. Mayank Kejriwal, University of Southern California

Social Equity - Dr. Jalonne White-Newsome, Empowering a Green Environment and Economy, LLC

Inclusive Design Advisor - Indi Young, Indi Young Consultancy

Business Process - Tech Futures Group


Transforming Shorelines Social and Racial Equity Workbook for Wastewater Agencies